Health ATM

Home projects Health ATM

Project Details

  • Category    
  • Date November 11, 2021
  • Client Name GBS Labs
  • Budget 1Cr
  • Project Manager Vikram Mohanty
  • Location Bhubaneswar
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Health ATM


This Innovation is aiding to support real-time health screening and medicine dispense along with the patient care pathway through multi-intelligence technology. This was specially designed with SMART (Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology) parameters to streamline primary/secondary consultation, general medication, pre-medication, intra-products, connecting care teams and patients. It also provides evidence-based therapeutic interventions, patient monitoring, rapid response system, complete data continuity and full flexibility across multiple care areas.

This is to mitigate the burden on the healthcare system, while also providing the best possible care for patients, pre-diagnosis effort and efficient information on the disease-specific cares are needed and able to dispense appropriate medicine to patients instantly by zero-radiation power consultation. This methodology might be used to help reduce the function of threshold and communication delay without sacrificing the ability to continuously monitor all basic vital signs and biomarkers. This is the next frontier in disseminating primary & preventive health services which connect rural to urban health infrastructure. 



  • To establish our health intelligence system and medicine enablement at all geographic stations.
  • To empower facilitation towards digital healthcare upgradation and discipline in point of care.
  • Diversify & Grow by seeking new customers on the market opportunity while furthering current demands.

Solution bringing

  • Enabling realtime patienttodoctor consultations and bridge the ruralurban health divide
  • Reduce OPD waiting time, Remote monitoring access to the portable health center (PHC)
  • Informing and demanding urgent delivery wrt. inventory control
  • Emergence of the patientcentered custom solution using vital parameters
  • Improve access to visualizing health data to share urgent information exchange (HIE)
  • Enabling precision wellbeing Electronic Health Records (EHR System) and Computeraided facilities
  • Able to dispense specific medicine (Drug Schedules) through a valid prescription

Technical Specifications

Societal Advantages


Based on above the nutshells, we are happy to introduce this ExpressionofInterest for your perusal. Upon acceptance of this proposal, the Provider will draft a comprehensive Statement of Work based of the project requirements for your review that will serve as the project contract between the Provider and the Client.