External funding refers to the financial support received by a company from investors or financial institutions outside the organization. It can be in the form of equity financing, debt financing, or a combination of both. At our company, we are always looking for opportunities to secure external funding to accelerate our growth and achieve our strategic objectives. We work with a variety of investors, including venture capitalists, private equity firms, angel investors, and corporate partners.

Our focus is on securing funding from partners who share our vision and are aligned with our values. We strive to build long-term relationships with our investors and partners based on mutual trust and respect. We are committed to maintaining transparency and accountability in all our interactions with our investors and partners.

If you are an investor or financial institution interested in partnering with us, we invite you to reach out to our team to learn more about our company and investment opportunities. We look forward to exploring how we can work together to achieve our shared goals.

External Funding Policy of GBS Labs

Our company is committed to growing and expanding our business in order to better serve our customers and stakeholders. One way we achieve this is through seeking external funding from various sources. We recognize that this is a significant responsibility, and we have established the following policy to ensure transparency, accountability, and ethical behavior in our pursuit of external funding.

1. Sources of Funding:

We may seek external funding from a variety of sources, including but not limited to:

We will evaluate each potential funding source based on its alignment with our company's values, mission, and goals, as well as its potential impact on our stakeholders.

2. Conflict of Interest:

Any employee or representative of our company who is involved in the process of seeking external funding must disclose any potential conflicts of interest. This includes any personal or financial relationships with potential funders that could influence the decision-making process.

3. Transparency:

We will be transparent with all potential funders regarding our company's financial situation, business model, and future plans. We will provide accurate and complete information to ensure that funders have a clear understanding of our company and its potential for success.

4. Ethical Behavior:

We will conduct all fundraising activities in an ethical and professional manner. We will not engage in any activities that could be perceived as unethical or illegal, such as offering kickbacks or making false claims about our company or its products.

5. Use of Funds:

We will use external funding for legitimate business purposes that align with our company's values, mission, and goals. We will be transparent with funders regarding how their money will be used and provide regular updates on our progress.

6. Reporting:

We will maintain accurate records of all external funding received and provide regular reports to funders on our progress. We will also comply with any reporting requirements associated with government grants or loans.

7. Accountability:

We will be accountable to our stakeholders for the use of external funding. We will regularly review our fundraising activities to ensure that they align with our company's values, mission, and goals.

By adhering to this external funding policy, we are committed to ensuring that our pursuit of funding is ethical, transparent, and aligned with our company's values and goals.